Dusting Your Workspace: Daily or Weekly?

Are you bothered by that thin film of dust on your worktable or desk? Doesn’t it always reappear two days after your weekly dusting spree? And isn’t this weekly dusting spree a deeply annoying thing at times? There is an easy solution to ease this annoyance. I’m not selling you a service or recommending an app for this. The solution is time-tested and only requires a bit of willingness on one’s part.

Here it is: dust daily. On first thought, this might seem like a dreadful chore to subject yourself to daily. However, this only makes dusting easier. Keep a dust brush of appropriate size for your workspace either on, next to, or in your desk. Pick it up and do your thing either before you begin working or do it at the end of the day. Even if you have plenty of clutter, this won’t take more than a minute, unless your desk in gargantuan (which I’m pretty sure it isn’t). In fact, for most people this process won’t take more than thirty seconds.

Dust accumulates on undisturbed surfaces; think of daily dusting like brushing your teeth, only that dusting is easier and quicker–IF DONE DAILY. It prevents your workspace from forming films of dust and might even give you that extra bit of motivation to work (we could all use it, couldn’t we?). Besides, if what might take up to fifteen minutes if done as a weekly chore can be done in less than a minute everyday, isn’t that great?

Your workspace will be so much more cleaner this way; you can also place a waste bin for dry waste by your desk. Just make sure to empty the bin regularly.